Grid Test StarThis is MadnessCommaCatching My DriftOKSinkingBlindspotUgly FactsStitch, Decaysia and SlabThere’s Here – 1st floor [envira-gallery id=’961′] Sea Stars Star This is Madness: A Proof Comma Catching My Drift Sinking OK Stitch, Decaysia and Slab Ugly Facts Blindspot There’s Here 4-23-21 4-25-21 Amazing worker and artist, Donald G (4-30-21) Applying surface to mimic transparency of the paralarval octopus. 5-12-21 panorama photo from the roof (5-12-21) 5-12-21 With Donald G (5-12-21) With Bob G (5-12-21) The plan for May 21-26, 2021 install - 15 synchronized swimmers and a giant octopus Octopus installation (5-22-21) Octopus installation (5-22-21) Swimmers awaiting installation (5-22-21) Sea Stars Installation (5-22-21) « ‹ of 2 › » Star on 12-27-20